Friday, February 17, 2012

The no 1 website of Nepal

There are more than a trillion websites indexed by Google search. I can't guess randomly how many sites are Nepali in the crowd of these trillion sites. With so many sites on the web, how do you know which is worth to pay attention?
I haven’t visited all trillion pages, but i’ve checked out many nepali sites in the past year. And it's really hard to say which one is good and have the highest traffic in Nepal. We don't have any system to rank these websites. The only tool i could use to check and compare the traffic is alexa ranking.  It also gives the ranking by country. When i was checking ranking based on traffic by Nepal, most of the foreign sites like Facebook, Google, Youtube, Yahoo are in top most visited sites of Nepal.  The first Nepali site appears in 8th number, which is and the list goes on with some other news sites.

From this analysis, i concluded that news sites are the most popular websites in Nepal. And then job portals and entertainment site are following them.


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