Friday, February 3, 2012

Childreach Nepal meets the President and Nepal’s number one band

On 26 April, 2010, Childreach Nepal managed to secure a meeting with the Nepalese President, Dr. Ram Varan Yadav.

Our country director, Tshering Lama, described the meeting as “fruitful and very promising”, with the President (pictured left) “very responsive” and showing a “positive attitude to Childreach Nepal’s programmes and projects”.

 “I want to say that it’s really a great experience for us to meet the head of the state. Without a doubt I would say that his meeting will help raise our profile in Nepal, and with the decision makers who play a vital role in Nepal’s community development” – Tshering Lama, Nepal Country Director
The Nepal office opening 12 April, Childreach Nepal has been making great strides, arranging meetings with the Nepalese President and partnering with the chart topping Nepalese singer and band. Gig_Nepal

Raju Lama and the Mongolian Heart
Following their meeting with the President, Childreach Nepal hosted a gig with one of Nepal’s top singers and bands, Raju Lama and the Mongolian Heart (pictured left). The night was a huge success, with children from local projects enjoying music performed by a top international star.
Childreach Nepal has now joined with the singer and band, and will receive a donation from every copy of their new album sold.
Raising the profile of Childreach Nepal
Country Director, Tshering Lama, who is currently in the final stages of completing his PHD in telemedicine, has been working incredibly hard with his in-country team, to raise the profile of Childreach International in Nepal and secure lasting partnerships with the country’s most influential figures.
As well as discussing the successful impact of current Childreach Nepal projects, including our “School Improvement Project” which saw Yangrima School renovated and re-opened earlier this year, Tshering and the President discussed the “Presidential Award for Community Volunteering”

This scheme is similar to the UK Duke of Edinburgh Award, calling on Nepal’s younger generations to volunteer and give back to their local communities, ensuring the sustainability of our projects.
The proposal was eagerly received by the President. Childreach Nepal will follow up its development in the coming months.

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